About Me

Wiki Article

Online gamers dubbed me Shayla. At these gaming events, you could find a lot of roleplaying and watching movies. Around the World in 80 Days was the closest person to a horror flick since he began calling him "Emilie" as I loved sleazy Horror pictures. I was eventually reduced to Briana. Under my alias, I now review movies, write blog articles and update social media. I love both current and older movies, but prefer sexier films. I adore 1980s nerdiness. I love 80s music, horror movies, and pop culture. I love old electronics. You can find more information on this topic and many others on my blog.

Sites that are related to movies

Red Carpet Events
Not This Time, Nayland Smith
Films of mediocrity
Paradoxical Psychopaths to Paradise
I made these movies
We heart dreams

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